Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Do not play with a stapler!

Today I learned that you should not play with a stapler. And I learned it the hard way.
My family and I are moving (that's why I'm barely posting anything) And my boyfriend his pants were torn by the knee, so I decided to fix it with a stapler which worked out great!
Afterwards I was sitting at the table being bored and for some reason I had put my finger under it and I was pressing it (I felt so stupid afterwards). What happened? Well... the staple got stuck in my finger. I barely felt it going into my finger, but afterwards I couldn't free my finger!
So my boyfriend had to help me. He held the stapler as wide open as he could and I could free my finger. (If you have a weak stomach don't read the following paragraph)
So my finger was freed the staple was still stuck in my finger. So I removed it myself. I never had a problem with such things. After it was removed the pain begun. It was bleeding a lot. I made it stop bleeding with a tissue because we didn't have anything better over there. And like half an hour later the pain stopped too.
(The people with the weak stomach can read again) So the moral of this story don't play with a stapler. And you can fix clothing with a stapler!

Friday, October 26, 2012


Hey Guys!
Well... because this is my first message on this blog I am going to tell you guys (and girls) something about me and this blog. So I am Tess and I'm 15 years old. And I want to become a journalist or even an author one day. I am from Belgium (that's a very small county in Europe which lies in between France and Germany) I think it's like the size of Maryland, but with twice as much inhabitants. There live about 11 million people in Belgium. And we have like the worst government ever. We've broken the world record for having no government for the longest time!
Enough about world's most boring country Belgium. What will this blog be about? Well... I think it will be about nothing and everything. I'll write about people, events, movies, life,... Like everything what is in a teenager's girls world. And I'm not planning to like say when I'll post maybe next week I'll post everyday and than a week only once. It really depends on how busy I am. But I promise to post something at least once a week. Oh and I'm sorry for any kind of mistake you can correct me. I am no native English speaker.
I really hope that you'll enjoy my blog