Thursday, January 31, 2013

My friend is still sick

Last friday we went langlaufing. It's just like skiing, but than without a mountain. And we were going up a hill and everything was covered in snow and the sky was totally white because of the clouds and there were a few leaveless trees around us and the only thing made by human-beings we could see was a church with a cemetery surrounding it and then suddenly my friend was like "This is kind of scary. It feels like all of the colors have been pulled out of the world and never going back again. And the human beings are going to forget the colors and after a while they will fade away because of it." she said
And then I said "you're sick." 
"Welcome to my brain." she said. "And then all the people will turn into zombies and they will eat each others corpses."

Now we all know how the world will end

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Imagine Dragons

Have you ever heard of Imagine Dragons? Well... I hope you have and if not it's your lucky day. This is my favorite band and I heard their song (It's Time) on the radio the other day (I already knew the band) and I loved hearing it on the radio so much that I decided to write a post on it. (I heard it on Q-music the favorite music channel of my mom. My favorit is MNM) Anyway here is their song It's Time

And my personal favorite Radioactive. The clip is about stuffed animals fighting.

Thanks for reading and make sure to check out both their albums

Sunday, January 27, 2013

5 tips do a great powerpoint presentation

I have a powerpointpresentation Friday and I'm doing it on obsessive-compulsive disorder. So I decided to write a post on how to have a great presentation.

  1. Use Powerpoint this can be your secret cheat sheet if you use it correctly and it gives a more visual aspect to your fellow students and you teacher which is always a good thing. So if possible, use powerpoint 
  2. ALWAYS look at your audience. Most people (including me) are very shy and don't like presentations or looking people directly in the eye, so you can also just look right above their head and that way the audience will feel more connected to your presentation which also gives better grades!
  3. Time well. If your teacher said that it should take 20 USE your 20 minutes a fully as you can if you have 2 minutes more or less it doesn't matter. So at home take your phone use your stopwatch and practice your presentation. Say EVERYTHING. Don't be like I'll just add 1 minute for explaining that picture, because I don't feel like explaining it now. Just do it!
  4. This may sound like a strange tip but DON'T stand in front of your powerpoint. I have seen some presentations where the speaker was that nervous that he/she stood in front of his Powerpoint which made it rather useless to use powerpoint.
  5. Explain a lot. When you started researching your subject you maybe didn't know what for example a hypothalamus is, so don't assume that your classmates will know what it is
If you're going to do a presentation good luck.

Friday, January 25, 2013

3 things I'd be lost without

I know this title comes from my 18 blog post idea's list. I am allowed to use my own idea's right? As the title says I'm going to write about 3 things (NOT people) in my life I can't live without.

1. My cellphone
I'm just addicted to this thing. I text 24/7 with my friends and even with my grandma. I can't live without this little thingy that came to rule my life since I was 12. You never see me without my cellphone, the first thing I do when I wake up is check my cellphone if I haven't got any messages, and text someone (usually my boyfriend), it's also the last thing I do when I go to sleep. You can really say that I am addicted. My cellphone always sleeps next to my iPod in my bed.
2. My notebook
Here I write my stories in in the first place and sometimes also blog posts if I get an idea at school. I write it in this because then I can correct everything when typing it into a post for my blog.
3. My laptop
Actually I hate my laptop, but I couldn't live without it. This is the only way I can write blog posts properly and share my stories. I really need a new one. In the beginning I started blogging to improve my English which I didn't exactly need according to my English teacher she says "we haven't learned that tens yet Tess" all the time when I use the present perfect continuous. Anyway I couldn't live without this wreck.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My friends are all sick in their own sick ways

All of my friends are sick in their heads. All in their own sick, but yet not scary ways. But today I was talking to two friends of mine and we were talking about Metal music. I turned out to be the only one who wasn't familiar with this genre and they were talking about this band called "Avenged Sevenfold" and one of them said they have this song with this awesome hilarious music video so I asked which one they meant and they said "a Little Piece of Heaven", so I just watched the music video and it's kinda funny, but you have got to be sick to find it funny when you watch it for the first time (or maybe it was just because the high quality speed of my computer which allows you to watch a 8 minute video in over half an hour) I just mean this story line is SICK. You just HAVE to be sick to make that story up. Oh my girlfriend is dead. What if I eat her heart? Anyway watch the video below. IF YOU DARE!
Anyway I really like the song itself.

Monday, January 21, 2013

How awkward grandma can be of help

I bet most people recognize the next situation. You're at the supermarket with your grandmother, and your grandmother seems to be in a tactless mood that day. And suddenly you see the guy from school you've had a crush on since forever. Your grandma asks you very loud "Is that the guy you keep on talking about ALL the time? I thought he'd be cuter than that.", and to make it even wore she points at him. Awkward situation isn't it? What if it turns out into something good?

With one of my friends in school it did. She went through this situation like everyone would, and it was very awkward. But the good part is: the next day at school the guy came to talk to my friend. Let's call her Jess and the boy Mike to make it easier to explain. He came to talk to Jess and she apologized for the lack of tact her grandmother had the day before and he said that it was fine and stuff like that. And then this dialogue started.
"Well... I've actually wanted to ask you out for a very long time but I never had the courage. But now I know that you like me... Will you go out with me?" Mike asked he looked very hopefull
Suddenly my friend started freaking out completely and she said yes. I mean she acted like he just asked her to marry him. They were both very shy for a few mins after that. So they went to the cinema the next wednesday and now they have been in a relationship for almost 6 months by now. They're a great couple.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

How to improve your writing.

When I was a few years younger I often thought about this looked thing about this up, well I still do and I've got some tips to improve your writing skills on a short time. But then you have to practice daily. The more you practice, the faster it goes.

1. Start a blog. This one might sound odd, but if you have a blog you are supposed to write your pots yourself so that's practice + you feel obligated to post frequently= A lot of practice. This blog can about anything like dogs, your grandma,... or like mine about everything and nothing.

2. "Read a lot and write a lot. There's no way around these two things." - Stephen King. If you write a lot you practice and when you read without knowing you improve your own writing skills. And you can also learn from the structure of the story and look at the rules for starting new lines (e.g. when you use these " and and another person says something start a new line.), and you also have to read several authors, several genres to improve you writing even more.

3. Eliminate distractions. Okay you can listen to quiet music I do that too. It kind of helps your writing, but turn the TV off you write in your quiet room instead of with your brother and sister who never seem to get tired of fighting with each other

4. Revise what you wrote. Can you remove a word, do it. Could that sentence have sound better? Make it sound better. Don't use a long word when a short word can do. To you it may seem better, but it's easier for the reader to read short and simple words

6. Write. This is definately one of the most important ones in this article. To practise your writing without having to start an actual story toy can do a lot of things.  A short list:
- Choose a short part of a movie and try to write it as if it would be written in an actual book (this doesn't work well in action movies though.)- Write down how a conversation went like it was a part of a book
- Describe anything
- Write a short storie (about 300 words)

7. Be confident about what you write. If you like what you write it IS good. If anyone disagrees with that that's their problem not yours. And the most critical person about you work is you.

8. Take your time to write. The more time you spend on it the better. Except if you look at the same paragraph for 2 hours. If you can't come up with better words go do something else get out of your chair and go get a short walk, think about something else and start again with a fresh mind.

9. Make it a habit. If you write everyday, even if it's just a few lines it becomes a habit and if you can explain something in a few sentences it's better than if you need half a book for it

10. Write something outside your usual material. If you usually write fantasy try to write realistic fiction.

Remember if you don't practice you won't get any better.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Why do I want to be a writer?

Last week my cousin came over and she asked me what I wanted to be when I'm an adult, and I said that I wanted to be a writer. I just said "because I like writing", but that question really made me think. Why do I want to be a writer? Why do I enjoy writing?

As long a I can remember I've loved writing stories. I've not always wanted to be a writer, but I've wanted it a long time and when I changed my mind I came always back to the writer ambition every single time. And now I already have this ambition since I was 12 without changing my mind even once.  Writing is kind of my passion. It clears my mind. Even when I'm writing a short blog message like this one.
I also think that writing is a never ending process. It not like I think about the story I am writing right now all the time, but when I'm talking to friends I often think if this conversation would happen in story of mine how would I write it, and then I write in my head as I listen to what they say and see what they're doing. I really do that all the time. Sometimes when I'm at home and I remember a conversation very well I write it down as good as I can knowing that I will never read that piece of paper again and if I do it on the computer I don't even save it. It's pure practice to improve your writing. I have some more things I do to practice my writing and if you write often you can see that after 2 or 3 months when you read one of those pages again you are like "OH MY GOODNESS how could I ever have been so talentless?". Anyway I'm going to write a post on that topic soon. Maybe even today, but you know I write a few weeks in advance so it will probably be the day after tomorrow.
Make sure to leave a comment and share this blog with all of your friends.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

How to avoid "bad buys"?

The sales are back! Most people will go shopping, and probably have some "bad buys" on them. This shirt that looks fine and only did cost €5. You should have spent that 5 euros better on that one beautiful jacket that was still at the expensive side. Here are some tips to avoid bad buys next time. 1 nice dress that you actually wear often is better than 5 shirts that were almost free that you never wear. Save that closet space for clothes that are actually worth it.

1. Try EVERYTHING on in the changing rooms. Some stores their sizes are diffrent and even if you're used to the sizes in that store still try it on. Maybe it doesn't look good on you, and you instantly know if you feel good in those clothes.

2. Go to the stores in advance. If you've seen the store before and the articles they sell, you already know where to look for what you want AND you've had time to think about what you want to buy.

3. Don't buy something because it's cheap. Ask yourself if you would want it if it was more expensive and if the answer is yes just buy it.

4. Ask yourself questions about the clothes you want to buy. Will I wear this? When will I wear this? How often will I wear it? Is it worth the price? Do I already have something similar in my closet? Do I have anything that matches it? Does it really fit well? Are all examples of questions you should ask to yourself.

5. Go with friends. They can judge how the clothes look on you with a more clear mind than you can.

Friday, January 11, 2013

My 10 favorite TV-shows

Like I have promised you all here's my post on my favorite TV-shows

10. Criminal Minds
       This is a show about a group of people who work for the FBI and they always try to find serial killers which they can do in 50 minutes 99% of the time. Too bad there's no real story in it. But the characters are great. They're all completely different I especially love Penolope Grarcia and Dr. Spencer Reid.

       9. The Ghost Whisperer
       This show is about a woman called Melinda and she is able to see the spirits of dead people and she can interact with them. She's had this gift ever since she was born and she uses it to make as much spirits go into "the light" as she can. While trying to live a "normal" life. More than once this show scared the hell out of me or made me cry.

      After the fifth season it was cancelled.

   8. The Vampire Diaries
      It's a CW teen-drama about a girl who lives in mystic falls a small town and she falls in love with a vampire called Stefan who has a brother who has a whole lot of charisma and dry humor (2 things I love). A lot of people was that they don't like this show because they see it as a desperate re-make of twilight. People, the Vampire Diaries isn't like twilight at all! In fact it was written over a decade before twilight was even written! The Vampire Diaries is way better than twilight anyway. It's less black and white it did change some stuff about the weaknesses and strengths of the vampires but not in a ridiculous way like "vampires sparkle in the sunlight" seriously that one is just ridiculous. I love how Stefan hates Damon and Damon just doesn't care and laughs it all away.

   7. Danni Lowinski
This is a Belgian show so you probably have never heard of it and never even bother on watching it. But I'm writing about it anyway. This show is about a young woman who used to be hairdresser and just finished law-school (yes she's a lawyer). But she has one little big problem. No one wants to hire her, because she doesn't look like a lawyer at all, she even seems a little "marginal" and she is, she definitely is. Anyway since no one wants to hire her she decides to start her own lawyer company thingy. So she starts working in the shopping center and she gets all kinds of strange costumers.

      6. Degrassi
      This series is some kind of a soap series but then for teens. It follows a large group of teenagers who each have their own problems that teenagers nowadays have to deal with like relationships where you get abused by your partner, teen pregnancies, divorces, bullying, drugs,... all kinds of stuff. The only thing that kind of disturbs me is that Clare is dating her stepbrother ewww disgusting. But it's very nice to watch and it's enjoyable for everyone who's still in school.

    5. Grimm
       Grimm is an amazing show with a lot of funny lines and it's easy to keep up with what's going on that's what I love so much about it. And the creatures in the show they're so ... so... I really can't explain you've never heard of them, but yet it seems like you recognize them. As if they're old friends you haven't seen in forever. My whole family likes it (except my brother he only likes his marginal rap from those marginal wanna-be rappers from the rappers like yes-r and kraantje pappie with idiotic names) my mom only watches along because she thinks the main character is "hot" and my sister is a wanna-be me.she just doesn't know it yet. Enough about me. This show is just awesome and you really don't want to miss it.

    4. Game of Thrones
Game of thrones is an epic fantasy HBO show. It's a miniseries which got very popular in the USA but unfortunately didn't get much attention in my country Belgium. I guess Belgium isn't ready for this kind of fantasy yet. Even Lord of the Rings is hardly popular around here. Game of Thrones is about another world and the way things work over there. You see the story through the eyes of the Stark family, the Baratheon family and of course the eyes of Deanerys. Deanerys and Arya are both my favorite characters, because they're so strong. Not in het physical way but mental. Something I also love about this show is that they're not afraid to let main characters die or let them get physically challenged. And maybe it doesn't end well. You never know. I love that everything and everyone in this show is grey. It's never black and white.

    3. Once Upon A Time
      This show is so black and white seriously nothing is grey. Well... except Rumpelstiltskin maybe, but that's just the way fairy tales are, in this case I love it. Once Upon a Time is about a bunch of fairy tale characters who got dropped in a wold where all their happy endings were stolen... this world. Because of a curse by an evil queen. And only one person can bring back the happy endings and try to bring back the fairy tale characters to their own world. That person is Emma The daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming she was the only one who could escape from the curse by a magical closet. It's an amazing show and you should watch it.

    2. Merlin
Everyone knows the legend of King Arthur Pendragon and warlock Merlin. There are a million movies, tv shows and books based on it. But this one is different. It has it all knights, magic, castles,... But still it has a little bit of today in it. The arrogance of Arthur, the way they speak, the way they're not talking about god all the time. Seriously in most shows that take place around that time they speak in very hard English and they're always talking about 'the lord' and as an atheist that's very annoying. I really love everything about the show. except Uther. He's just... I don't know why, but I certainly don't like him. But the rest of the characters make up for it.

   1. Legend of the Seeker
This is my number 1 people. Already for 2 years. It got canceled after the 2nd season, but this is the best show ever. Everything is so grey. Okay you caught me I am an high fantasy fan. This show is loosely based on the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind and you really HAVE to read the books first. The show is great, but the books are even better. Take the effort to read them please. It'll be the best decision you've made in your life until now. Anyway it's hard to say what this show is about. It's about a boy who has to save the world by finding the truth and fight Darken Rahl and the keeper. You certainly won't regret watching it. You'll wonder why you've never tried it before. This show really changed my life.

Monday, January 7, 2013

How to unsubscribe from a blog using blogger?

Hi guys!
Recently I wanted to unsubscribe from a blog because I had lost interest for it's content. Anyway I wanted to unsubscribe and that wasn't very easy, because I didn't know how to and I've seen that others have problems with it too so I decided to make a post on it.

1. Go to your home page on blogger (if you're not sure if you're on the homepage click on the logo in the left corner. on top of the list of the blogs you follow you see this little icon. Click on it.

2. Then you get this screen

click on settings of any of the blogs in your list.

3. A new screen pops up sing in if you're not singed in and click on the link "sites you've joined" and click on the "unfollow" link next to the title of the blog you want to unfollow

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Hobbit (2012)

Right now you must be thinking "A girl who has a post about The Hobbit? isn't that a movie for guys?". I thought that too that only a few girls would be into Lord Of The Rings (2001, 2002, 2003), but I found out that as they'd say where I'm from nothing is less true. I went to see it a few days ago (the 29th of december 2012) in the kinepolis of Brussels and only the first row of seats was (almost) empty every other seat was taken.And if I had to guess now how much percent of the people who were there were women I'd say about 65% and 35% men. So I guess that Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit is not a men-thingy.
I went to watch it with my boyfriend who's actually not into fantasy at all. The only fantasy movie/tv-show he likes is Legend of the seeker which is actually my favorite tv-show (Just got an idea I should make a post with the list of my favorite TV shows!), and his father who's into Lord Of The Rings.
I really like the movie, and I think that it was well made. I thought it'd be boring because there should be 3 movies made out of an 310-page book. And each movie would be 3 hours long. So that'd make 100 pages a movie and 33 pages an hour. That's like 2 average chapters.  I really thought the movie would suck, but it was very good and the actors were great. I loved how Bilbo didn't want to come with Gandalf and the dwarfs at first and how they came in and started to eat all of his food. I also loved how you could recognize stories that you heard in the books like the story about the trolls fighting about how they'd cook them till the sun came up which made them turn into stone. I also loved that there were a few songs in it. I think there were 3 songs. But the songs were very well listen to this epic song below.

When this song started playing everyone got quiet except the woman next to my boyfriend Sam. The whole movie she was laughing I think she could be Santa his twin sister. Seriously. Although I can not say that it must have been fun to sit in the cinema next to me. Although this just happened once. When that huge scary spider came on the screen I started screamed like a.... like something that screams really loud. That spider was very scary and I wasn't the only one. The scenes with Gollum are definitely my favorite ones.
This was my post for today please leave a comment and share this blog with others