Monday, April 8, 2013

The Host

When I was like 13 I read this book, and I loved it. And I still love what I remember of it. I always wanted it to be a movie and next week it'll be time.
The movie will be in cinema's the 18th. I'm so exited, and I just can't hide it! I'm really exited to see the movie, and I'm planning on reading the book again. If you haven't read the book yet run to the store and but it right now. I know it's based on a book by Stephenie Meyer, and that she wrote twilight, but this isn't twilight at all. It's like comparing apples to pears. It's so much better, it's way less shallow, and she's made an entirely different world for the "aliens" or whatever they're called. Anyways you should read the book and go see the movie because it's totally worth it!
It's about a girl named Melanie who is "possesed" by another soul called Wanderer, and Melanie convinces Wanderer to escape civilization and go in the desert to find Jared (the man she loves) and her brother Jamie. (at least that's how I remember it) After they get there they're not welcomed very nicely. I'm not going to spoil the rest of the story to you guys. Go discover it yourselves!

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