Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dreams and nightmares

Hello, my dear at this moment non existing followers

Everybody dreams every night (except if you don't sleep, but that doesn't count), but have you ever wondered why we have dreams or if they have some kind of a meaning? Well... I have. Lately I've been having nightmares often. A few days ago I dreamed that t spider with the size of a backpack attacked me! How absurd is that!? Anyway that dream scared the hell out of me (I've got like a huge phobia of spiders. I'm even scared of spiders on tv). And the night before I dreamed that a man kidnapped me and raped me. And the worst thing was that the man was ugly as hell. But I have really nice dreams too. I often dream that I'm just hanging around with my boyfriend and nothing bad happens at all. But what do all these dreams mean?

Freud (famous scientist) said that you only dream about things you desire to have or that you desire to happen. So he says that I want a spider with the size of a backpack to attack me.
I decided to do some research on dreams. And I came across this website called dreammoods. And I red the first paragraph of the homepage and my first thought was "this sounds so hippy". But I looked further on that site and I'm basing this article on that info.
Last night I dreamed that a butterfly came along and gave me a key. And then I fell into a lake and lost the key.
The site says the next thing about keys appearing in your dreams
To see a key in your dream symbolizes opportunities, access, control, secrets, freedom, knowledge or responsibilities. You may be locking away your own inner feelings and emotions. Or you are unlocking the answer to some problem. In particular, a ring of keys represents status, authority, and power. It also highlights your adaptability to a situation. If the key is gold, then it suggests that influence, power and wealth will give you access to almost anything you want. 
and about losing them:
To dream that you lose your keys signify fears of losing control of yourself or losing your position or status in life. It may also indicate unexpected changes, frustrations, and unpleasant adventures. The dream could be analogous to lost or missed opportunities. If you give your key away, then it suggests that you have given up control of some situation or responsibility. 
and about a lake
To see a lake in your dream signifies your emotional state of mind. You feel restricted and that you can't express your emotions freely. Alternatively, the lake may provide you with solace, security, and peace of mind. If the lake is clear and calm, then it symbolizes your inner peace. If the lake is disturbed, then you may be going through some emotional turmoil.
About the butterfly it says
To see a butterfly in your dream signifies longevity, creativity, romance, joy and spirituality. You may be experiencing a new way of thinking. Or you are undergoing some sort of transformation. Alternatively, a butterfly refers to your need to settle down. You are lacking focus in your life. You tend to be flighty and jump from one thing to another. Also consider the term "social butterfly" to describe someone who is popular and outgoing. Perhaps you need to be more outgoing. 
So it says that I fear losing control and that I have inner peace and that I'm creative comantic an joyfull. Okay everything but the first thing is true, but what if it's just coincidence?

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