Thursday, January 17, 2013

How to improve your writing.

When I was a few years younger I often thought about this looked thing about this up, well I still do and I've got some tips to improve your writing skills on a short time. But then you have to practice daily. The more you practice, the faster it goes.

1. Start a blog. This one might sound odd, but if you have a blog you are supposed to write your pots yourself so that's practice + you feel obligated to post frequently= A lot of practice. This blog can about anything like dogs, your grandma,... or like mine about everything and nothing.

2. "Read a lot and write a lot. There's no way around these two things." - Stephen King. If you write a lot you practice and when you read without knowing you improve your own writing skills. And you can also learn from the structure of the story and look at the rules for starting new lines (e.g. when you use these " and and another person says something start a new line.), and you also have to read several authors, several genres to improve you writing even more.

3. Eliminate distractions. Okay you can listen to quiet music I do that too. It kind of helps your writing, but turn the TV off you write in your quiet room instead of with your brother and sister who never seem to get tired of fighting with each other

4. Revise what you wrote. Can you remove a word, do it. Could that sentence have sound better? Make it sound better. Don't use a long word when a short word can do. To you it may seem better, but it's easier for the reader to read short and simple words

6. Write. This is definately one of the most important ones in this article. To practise your writing without having to start an actual story toy can do a lot of things.  A short list:
- Choose a short part of a movie and try to write it as if it would be written in an actual book (this doesn't work well in action movies though.)- Write down how a conversation went like it was a part of a book
- Describe anything
- Write a short storie (about 300 words)

7. Be confident about what you write. If you like what you write it IS good. If anyone disagrees with that that's their problem not yours. And the most critical person about you work is you.

8. Take your time to write. The more time you spend on it the better. Except if you look at the same paragraph for 2 hours. If you can't come up with better words go do something else get out of your chair and go get a short walk, think about something else and start again with a fresh mind.

9. Make it a habit. If you write everyday, even if it's just a few lines it becomes a habit and if you can explain something in a few sentences it's better than if you need half a book for it

10. Write something outside your usual material. If you usually write fantasy try to write realistic fiction.

Remember if you don't practice you won't get any better.

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