Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Why do I want to be a writer?

Last week my cousin came over and she asked me what I wanted to be when I'm an adult, and I said that I wanted to be a writer. I just said "because I like writing", but that question really made me think. Why do I want to be a writer? Why do I enjoy writing?

As long a I can remember I've loved writing stories. I've not always wanted to be a writer, but I've wanted it a long time and when I changed my mind I came always back to the writer ambition every single time. And now I already have this ambition since I was 12 without changing my mind even once.  Writing is kind of my passion. It clears my mind. Even when I'm writing a short blog message like this one.
I also think that writing is a never ending process. It not like I think about the story I am writing right now all the time, but when I'm talking to friends I often think if this conversation would happen in story of mine how would I write it, and then I write in my head as I listen to what they say and see what they're doing. I really do that all the time. Sometimes when I'm at home and I remember a conversation very well I write it down as good as I can knowing that I will never read that piece of paper again and if I do it on the computer I don't even save it. It's pure practice to improve your writing. I have some more things I do to practice my writing and if you write often you can see that after 2 or 3 months when you read one of those pages again you are like "OH MY GOODNESS how could I ever have been so talentless?". Anyway I'm going to write a post on that topic soon. Maybe even today, but you know I write a few weeks in advance so it will probably be the day after tomorrow.
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